Our Block Management Service
In the past Home From Home has been instructed to take on the management of blocks of flats where the owners and occupiers were disgruntled with the service they had failed to receive from the previous management company.
Home From Home became aware that the service often offered by "remote management companies" was poor at best and decided to move into Block Management, initially within the Swindon area, to help provide these people with an easy to contact, local service.
This is not to say that remote management can not be successful, however this can only be achieved with the support of the owners and Directors, as mentioned below.
We have now been involved in Block Management for 30 years, and over this time, we have proven time and again that we are very successful for the owners of these flats.
As a small company, we have the ability to manage proficiently and deal with all problems in a practical manner. Unlike the huge Nationalised Block Management companies, we have no flashy, push-button, phone system, we have people on the end of the phone. Like it should be.
The service you'll receive is one of a "hands-on" approach. We're situated locally to any flats in Swindon and we like to be involved, find the problems and resolve any issues.
Remote Management
As you are probably well aware, most management companies operate at a distance, they're not local, they don't visit the flats and they get paid. That's where their interest ends.
We have often described these companies as managing telepathically. They cost alot and don't deliver.
Did you realise this?
If not managed properly, with remote management comes expense. If the company managing your flats is based in Portsmouth, did you realise they often send workmen from Portsmouth?
This completely needless expense is then passed onto you!
Most management companies that are based miles away from the area they are managing are unaware of the impact their poor management has on the surrounding area. They can't see when the communal areas are a mess, they can't see the result of any gardening work, any maintenance... The list goes on.
We have seen many of these things, and all to often it has resulted in a drop in rent, thanks to the management company and the poor state of communal areas.
This is where we pride ourselves on being different.
The system is not complicated
We are different, because we welcome the challenge of remote management and can make it successful, but only where there is either an active residents committee and / or Directors, to work closely with us, to ensure the work is being completed to the standard they would expect.
It is essential, in these circumstances that they are our eyes and ears, reporting to us on a regular basis, as and when matters arise. This way, we can then deal with any issues quickly and efficiently, so they do not escalate into larger and more expensive problems.
We are often told how complicated block management can be, unfortunately other management companies have made it this way to justify the exorbitant fees they charge.
Communication is key to good management
We cannot over stress how important communication is. It is vital in all areas of management, particularly with Block Management. We read of how these big companies offer the highest level of personal service, but then when you contact them you find yourself pressing buttons and queuing on a telephone system at your expense. Have you left a message with them and had it returned yet?
We have no answer phones, except outside of office hours, and all our telephones are manned, by real people, not a computer.
We do not pretend to be the largest, the best, the more professional agent, we are just merely doing what our clients expect of us, good honest management.
For further informaation please have a look at our Block Management website for more information about our Block Management services or simply contact us now and discuss your needs.